Justice for Laquan McDonald! Community Control of the Police, Protest Oct 22 2016
Join us in the fight to stop police crimes and be a part of the mass movement for CPAC. There are many ways to get involved, as an individual or as a group or organization…
1. Call your alderman and demand CPAC
Find your alderman
2. Join our neighborhood outreach campaign, See HERE for more details,
3. Office support
We are flooding Chicago aldermen with postcards demanding they support CPAC. We have a 1000’s of cards signed by community members that need to be processed at our office. We need volunteers to work at our office entering data, addressing and stamping postcards for mailing. Our office is normally open from 11am until 5pm, weekdays, with some evenings hours scheduled.
Call 312 939 2750 or email: contact@naarpr.org, for more information
4. Start your own neighborhood CPAC committee, on your block, in your building, at your church… for more details Call 312 939 2750 or email: contact@naarpr.org
5. Come to our 6pm Monday Stop Police Crime organizing meetings where you can learn of more detailed ways to help and get involved, get in where you fit in!:
We meet at 6pm, every Monday at 1325 S Wabash, Suite # 105
6. Invite us to your block, group or church to give a CPAC workshop and/or to let us know how we can help you organize with your community. Call 312 939 2750 or email: contact@naarpr.org
7. Follow, share, and invite your friends to our FB PAGE
FB discussion page Chicago Police Community Control
Follow us on: Twitter: @naarpr
Snapchat: StopPoliceCrime
Instagram: StopPoliceCrimes
8. * DONATE -*We really need help funding the Campaign. Anything you or your organization can give is welcome. Donate online HERE or contact us for more information, T 312 939 2750 or email: contact@naarpr.org
9. Social Media Generators & Artists – We need and welcome all social media users and creative folks, visual, spoken word, photography, writing, video sound…you name it we need it! To get involved email: contact@naarpr.org, or call 312 939 2750 OR message us on FB Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
10. *Sign up and share the Stop Police Crimes newsletter
11. * Sign & share the CPAC petition,